
*If you are a Client of one of our Corporate Partners with an exclusive Coupon Code, then these are not the droids... err... this is not the course you are looking for. Please go back to course list and choose the "Corporate Partner Course" from the menu.

I am very excited that you are here with me! With this online course, you will have a 90-day subscription to a viewable PDF-file of the Textbook, downloadable PDF-file of the Workbook, and more than two-dozen Modules where we walk through how to create and deliver your Sales Presentation Masterpiece!

When it comes to sales presentations, less is more. So rather than throwing everything A-TO-Z at you, I took twenty-years of extraordinary success and condensed in into five simple and extremely effective steps A-TO-E.

Just like in life, there are no guarantees (or refunds) here, but I am confident that if you master and internalize the concepts presented here, practice like Rocky Balboa about to square off with Ivan Drago (or like Adonis Creed vs Viktor Drago for you younger folk), and treat every sales presentation like it is the most important sales presentation you have ever given, you will connect with your audiences, you will be more successful, and you will sell more!

Join me on this journey and let's take your sales to the next level!


Includes a viewable PDF-file of the Textbook, downloadable PDF-file of the Workbook, and more than two-dozen Modules to help you create your Sales Presentation Masterpiece and Sell More!

(If you are a Client of one of our Corporate Partners with an exclusive Coupon Code, then these are not the droids... err... this is not the course you are looking for. Please go back to course list and choose the "Corporate Partner Course" from the menu)

I wrote this book and created The A-TO-E Presentation Method for Blinner Talks based on two-decades of successfully perfecting my Blinner Talk and presentation skills delivering hundreds and hundreds of sales presentations in front of thousands and thousands of people across this nation. I have sold hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of goods and services in the process.

Some of the industries I have successfully operated in are Healthcare (Pharmaceuticals, Medical Imaging, Physical Therapy), Insurance, InsurTech, and Business Consulting.

By attending other people’s Blinner Talks I have seen what the not-so-good looks like, what great looks like, and everything in between. I have taken all the learnings from the last two-decades and put them into this system so you can get a twenty-year head start by taking advantage of my vast experience.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, business owner, executive, sales professional, healthcare practitioner such as a physician or chiropractor or podiatrist, financial advisor, dentist, just getting started with your career, or someone who needs to present to audiences for any reason, The A-TO-E Sales Presentation Method for Blinner Talks was meant for you. 

I am confident that if you allow me to guide you through The A-TO-E Sales Presentation Method, internalize and master the steps and concepts involved, and practice and train properly, you will be able to create and deliver your Blinner Talk Masterpiece, you will connect with your audience, you will be more successful, and you will sell more.

The A-TO-E Method and Blinner Talks Decoded

If you are wondering what The A-TO-E Method can do for you and what an Earth is a Blinner Talk, then this video is for you. I even tell you why you shouldn't listen to me. Now that's some straight up transparency right there! But I digress, please enjoy this short informational clip.

Full Online A-TO-E Course Curriculum

  Course Navigation
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Introduction (Textbook pp. 1-18)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  PART I - Different Folks, Different Strokes (Textbook pp. 19-64)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  PART II - The A-TO-E Sales Presentation Method for Blinner Talks (Textbook pp. 65-122)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  PART III - Murphy's Law (Textbook pp. 123-158)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NOT a Graduation!
Available in days
days after you enroll